Listen to Alisa talk on Healing in Relationships on St David's podcast, here.


I'm so glad you have found your way here to my sacred cyber-space!!  I hope that what you find here is as inviting as if you were walking into my home.

I hope it wraps around you, gets the energy swirling in your solar plexus, opens up your heart, and lets you have a taste...of the sweetness, the richness, the full-bodiedness...of possibility, of connection, of landing somewhere you are absolutely sure is exactly where you need to be!  Intuitive Hospitality- that's what my Spiritual Director calls it.

Now that you're here, let me ask a couple questions.  

Are you serious about having a beautiful relationship with Spirit (God, Goddess, The Universe, The Divine...)?  

Do you know you have immense Creativity, but can't quite tap it?  

Do you have a sense that your Intuition is very strong..., but you have a hard time trusting it?

Are you a Healer?  Or someone in a position of Spiritual Leadership?

Do you feel dissatisfied in your committed or significant other relationship?  Or maybe you are dissatisfied with your pattern in romantic relationships?

If you have answered "yes" to any of these, then I think you and I will work well together!!

A word or two about "eye of the heart."  It is a term found in the sacred writings in the Christian tradition - both traditional and esoteric.  Nous is the Greek.  It is understood as the spiritual organ of perception.  The place within you that is totally in sync with The Holy One.  When you open to this place that is planted within you, life starts flowing.  You experience synchronicities.  Your path reveals itself clearly.  Your creativity bursts out of you!  Your intuition lights your way.  

It is bold of me to take on this name.  At times I have felt even hesitant to claim it.  But it is the Intention, the Goal, the Endpoint - if there is such a thing - that I am aiming for.  And that I want to lead you toward.

Click here to begin your journey in to the Eye Of Your Heart

Your Grateful Guide,

Alisa Carr, LCSW, DreamWorker, InterSpiritual Guidess